May 26, 2024
Fact and fantasy

I prefer imaginary worlds that respect the laws of nature, as discovered by scientists. I do also like fantastical worlds, but it’s better if they only violate the laws of physics in consistent ways, or only for insightful symbolic reasons.

Of course, there is always room for dreamlike places, which follow no rules beyond those which manifest our fears and desires. But as with dreams, it’s a bad idea to take them too seriously. We learn more from facing real obstacles, whether or not we overcome them, than by being self-indulgent.

I take little interest in the supernatural. Falsehood and superstition are my sworn enemies. I am fine being labelled as either an agnostic, or a non-evangelical atheist. It is unlikely that humans can understand—and certainly do not inherently or innately “know”—the origins or ultimate nature of the universe. Feelings cannot help us distinguish between truth and falsehood. Only likes and dislikes.

As theists cannot, with authority, claim to “know” the existence or nature of God, or any other such being, likewise no atheist can “know” with certainty of their non-existence.

The claims of religious scriptures (along with ideological screeds) are simply the imaginings of real people, many with ulterior motives. (Disrespecting facts is a red flag.) Thanks to science, we understand human nature quite well. We can deduce that claims about the unknown and unknowable are mostly bunk. Most are easily disproved.

We are products of the same natural forces which made the stars and galaxies. No spirit beings interfere with that order, either to help or hinder us. We are on our own. And we should look to one another for help in navigating this confusing and perilous universe.

Understanding physical reality should be our goal. We should do so with our senses, but only with the aid of precision tools and rigourous, logical analysis. We should pursue exploration and learning as our highest purpose. We should not flatter ourselves, or indulge in wish-fulfillment. We should prize intellectual integrity, and courage, and dedication to truth, as we find it.

We should do all of these things together. We should also prioritize kindness and compassion, and protect the vulnerable from the cruel and sadistic. That is, the assholes. But it’s a group effort. Yes, those with more resources should contribute more.

But really, what are “resources”? What is “property”? Private property is an expression of power—over other people. Exerting power over others is a form of cowardice. Cowardice may be humanity’s greatest flaw. It may have served us in ancient days, when the universe was mostly unknown and confusing. It’s time we grew up.

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